अरबौको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मुद्धा हार भारतको.नेपालसंग झुकेर गुहार माग्दै नरेन्द्र मोदी(भिडियो)
8:22 PM
India is about to shock the international court. India has a great case here regarding two syatelyata and spectrum deal about losing six Indian media have expressed shock him.
In addition, international mediation has proved costly for India to be about the defeat.
Hence the issue to the International Court of India losing six of Rs 67 billion has been lost. Narendra Modi led India for the first time after so many have suffered loss of money. So, not only the image of India is now in the eyes of international investors fear that has been expressed, including dhamelina. Dewas maltimidiyale muddhamathi filed in The Hague heard the intarenasanala tribunal ruling against the government of India.